
We pay great attention to the quality of our products.
High quality of the product and customer’s satisfaction are our priorities.
The conscientious work of each employee and all departments involved in product creation has a positive impact on the final result.

We strictly follow requirements and conditions of DVS 2207 Welding of Thermoplastics standard. By following standard requirements we guarantee that our products will serve the customer for many years. However, we always try to offer our clients a little bit more than our competitors.We aim to make products of highest quality – this is the only way to ensure that our clients will choose us again. We conducted a number of tests and trials that enable us optimally set modes for quality welding and installation works.

We use special vertical panel saw for both sheet articles and billet sections. Also we use CNC router for absolutely precise cutting of parts. This allows to achieve accurate and high-quality assembling.

For the welding process, we use equipment from worldwide known manufacturers. We have selected various types of welding extruders for each type of welding. This allows not to only perform welding in hard-to-reach places but also make it look better externally.

In order to ensure the quality of welding seams, we have tested our main welds which are used in production. For this purpose we use fracture tests as well as non-destructive testing technique, in particular case ultrasonic tests. These tests confirm that samples have been welded with complete penetration, which indicates a successful result.